Doctor who ran clinic for transgender children and 'failed' an 11-year-old transitioning from female to male by not fully explaining drugs could make them infertile is suspended for just two months

    Helen Webberley was suspended for two months for gender treatment failures
    She was said to not have provided follow-up care to two children on testosterone
    She also failed an 11-year-old by not explaining effects of puberty blockers on fertility to the patient
    Her husband Michael was struck off for putting patients at risk of serious harm
    Michael diagnosed 'Patient W' as gender dysphoric without consulting their GP
    'Patient W' later killed themself after while transitioning from female to male 

A doctor who ran an online clinic for transgender patients has been suspended from practising for two months.

Helen Webberley, founder of the GenderGP website, was found to have committed serious misconduct by a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) panel.

The tribunal, which started to hear evidence in July last year, found she had not provided proper follow-up care to two patients, aged 12 and 17, who were prescribed testosterone, and failed an 11-year-old patient by omitting to discuss risks to fertility before prescribing GnHRa, or puberty blockers.

On Thursday the panel, chaired by Angus Macpherson, found Dr Webberley should be suspended for two months.

He said: 'The period of suspension which the tribunal considers it should impose is that period which allows Dr Webberley the opportunity to demonstrate her level of insight into this aspect of the tribunal's finding of impairment.

'The tribunal has determined, therefore, to suspend Dr Webberley's registration for a period of two months.

'The tribunal considered that this period will allow Dr Webberley sufficient time to demonstrate whether she has the necessary insight into the concerns identified by this tribunal and that she has remediated her shortcomings.

'It is also the shortest practical period to make arrangements for a review hearing to take place.'