Well, they are indeed mentally ill.
Wanting to get part of your body chopped off is mentally ill, well was mentally ill, until some quacks started the nonsense about "muh gender".
I mean gender mutilation is nothing new, in America tons do it because "it's cleaner" or some other bull crap. Same shit there. It's lies and makes no sense  and done to children is literally CHILD ABUSE, a child can not decide on basically anything, but is allowed to decide to get the genitals chopped off? Who is actually mentally ill? The parents and quacks that are fine with that, or the child who was groomed into that.

But this here is even more fucked up. You got a nice beautiful girl and she is mentally ill for whatever reason and gets her tits chopped off. That's sick.

It's like a suicidal person wanting to die and the medical professional says" yes, you were born as x-gender, and were supposed to die during birth, so let me kill you".

> stupid people.
Probably poisoned.
Vaccines? Hormones?