There's a clear and PRESENT danger to the judicial branch, the third pillar of our Republic, with people doxing justices and lurking outside their houses. This behavior was openly encouraged by the white house press secretary Jen Psaki 

"I know that there is an outrage … about protests that have been peaceful to date and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges' homes."

Emboldened by this support from the oval office, the intimidation outside the homes of the justices escalated into a gun toting thug appearing on scene threatening murder of Justice Kavanaugh while outside his home. Read the charging document here:

But all that has been swept out of the day's news cycle to make way for wall to wall coverage of a federal agent assisted riot at the Capitol building which happened over a year ago. The radical left and its assault on the foundation of our legal system, as applauded by the White House is the REAL TRAVESTY. Not J6. But like the peaceful protests of 2020, left wing violence and democratic politicians encouragement of it will be ignored and excused

We are through the looking glass.