Saturday, June 11, 2022
Contact: Dr. Katarina Lindley at katarina@thewc4h.org
Independent Pharmacovigilance Report Confirms Evidence for Recall of Covid-19 Vaccines
Adverse Reactions for Novel Covid-19 Vaccines More Numerous Than for Similar Products by Factor of Between 10 and 169
BATH, UK — A new report prepared by the World Council for Health (WCH) has confirmed that data on adverse drug reactions from the experimental Covid-19 vaccines exist in an amount sufficient for the recall of similar products in the past.
On all databases, it was found that adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports linked to Covid-19 injections are more numerous than other similar products by a factor of between 10 and 169 (see graph below). Many of the ADR reports are serious in nature and there exists sufficient evidence of associated harm on these databases to indicate a product recall.
In total, more than 40,000 deaths are linked to the novel Covid-19 vaccines in the official databases analysed.
In addition, the WCH pharmacovigilance report found that several thousand adverse drug reactions on official databases are related to the use of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines among young boys and girls for whom the vaccine had not been approved at the time.
The Report: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/covid-19-vaccine-pharmacovigilance-report/