Ascension has been long and arduous and not without its problems. The process has taken many years longer than was expected because much of humanity has not answered the call. There are many reasons for this, but humanity now find itself at the brink of no return – for this reason, Mother Earth rejoices and weeps simultaneously.

As the third dimensional reality slides more and more into anarchy, oppression and fear, the fifth dimensional reality has already been separated from it. Those who have long been awoken have been working tirelessly to maintain their high vibrations and to assist those in the next wave of ascended consciousness. Awakening souls have been called to resolve their past issues and to heal from trauma, as It is not possible to maintain a fifth dimensional consciousness when one is weighed down by grief, anger, resentment and hatred. This process of healing in order to ascend once took many months, if not years, but now it is happening at a much faster rate because there is no time to waste.

Awareness of the plight of the humanity is one thing, but it takes connection to one’s spiritual essence to know that the responsibility for the density of consciousness on the planet belongs to every individual. The planet cannot move out of the grips of darkness if people do not realise that, by changing their own reality that the world around them also changes.

There is not one human in the world who does not have control over the direction that their lives are taking. It is only their thoughts and the allowance of fear to overcome their psyche and block their spiritual connections that is keeping many humans locked into the lower dimensions of consciousness. Those who cannot find the light within them will always be drawn to darker thoughts which then have negative outcomes.