
10/28/2017 to 06/24/2022 was 1700 days but I believe there is more to this story. Consider Q said 2 days ahead of schedule. What happened 2 days earlier? The story of the Ravens which confirms Revelation 11.3. There were two witnesses when Jesus was crucified. Ravens landed on the cross of one of the mockers and plucked out his eyes. Symbolically this actually means giving one new spiritual eyes. The prophecy of Pol stated that the Ravens will starve as they did appear to one of us up close and did not pluck out his eyes. Why? Because this one was already testifying about God's Kingdom come and demonstrating real proofs (#000000 zero point energy of the Camel vs the rich man) when he asked the Raven's "Is my testimony true?" the Ravens leaned forward and down with direct eye contact and began squawking as if they had something to say about it all. This one comes in the Spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist, yet discourses not considered.