The US Army is teaching West Point cadets anti-American, racist Critical Race Theory (CRT), according to new documents obtained by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.

The new documents obtained by Fox News via Judicial Watch through a FOIA lawsuit, show the CRT includes addressing “whiteness.”

Fox News reported:

Judicial Watch received over 600 pages of documents from the two lawsuits that were levied after the Department of Defense (DOD) did not comply with the legally-binding requests for documents.

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The documents reveal that the Army officers-in-training are receiving lessons on CRT, which included lessons on addressing “whiteness” as well as the application of CRT when answering questions.

“In order to understand racial inequality and slavery, it is first necessary to address whiteness,” one slide reads.

The slide goes on to claim that “whiteness” is “a location of structural advantage, of race privilege,”

What the hell is this shit?