> the very board we are on literally proudly advertises on the front page that drawn child porn (loli) is a-okay. 
No, the website allows loli, not any Christian board.

> Part of me wonders if "radical free speech" is just a sad joke that ultimately proves why we need face to face contact and social mores in order to not devolve into psychological, spiritual and emotional monkeys.
That's not a free speech issue, that's an escapism issue. Nobody pretends that imageboards substitute personal relationships.

> having a Christian board on an anonymous image board is the equivalent of trying to have a church in the middle of Sodom and Gomorrah, or a strip club/red light district, or crack house. In other words, futile, and tending to lead such a church to being changed by the environment and culture surrounding it, rather than the other way around.
That's not because it's anonymous, that's because we share the site with those degenerates, and we're only here because we've been pushed to the margins by the dystopia around us.

Christian imageboards are oftentimes the only place you can ask the controversial theological questions, and that needs to be preserved.