
> The poor judgment of those people is not an inherent flaw in the imageboard, because imageboard use does not per se entail escapism.

Whether it be online LARPing, conspiracy theories, delusions of grandeur, or isolating oneself in the blanket of anonymity, anonymous image boards are breeding pits of escapism; with the exception proving the rule in classic fashion.

> Yes, there are imageboards...

No.  I mean imageboard websites as a whole.  Yes, I'm aware of some not quite as bad singular boards like /ck/ as you pointed out, but even on those boards, behavior endemic to image board culture as a whole rears it's ugly head.  Look at the top major boards on this site: The number one board consists of NEETS in Australia licking each others wounds; Qanon and several different flavors of /pol/; /b/ - the official board of people metaphorically flinging feces at each other like monkeys; grown men masturbating to anime lesbians and monstergirls and talking about My Little Pony; /rapport/ - which claims to be about conversation and women, but is just softporn....

>  Those are all good questions and exactly what I'm talking about. You would be ostracized in most churches for even asking the question of the morality of racemixing.

Those are all examples of repetitive bait and twisting of scripture like I said.  Every single racemixing thread consists of far righters, fascists, nazis, etc. taking verses in the OT and Apocrypha about Jews separating on a religious basis out of context to prop up their distorted views.  Just as far leftists, commies, pinkos, etc. take portions of Acts and the words of Jesus out of context to prop up their "Muh Jesus was a socialist who would never vote conservative" meme.  I've seen this exact same flotsam and jetsam play out time and time again.  It's not deep or thought provoking or civil.  It's the same feces throwing ad infinitim.

> The interdenominational debate is also productive, it's only the responsibility of the reader to know what constitutes a cogent argument and what's fallacious.

Same thing for this.  I've yet to see an interdenominational thread that didn't devolve into rancorous "debate" or just plain ad hominem spewing.

>  Facebook is the enemy, and you're naive. 

Missing the point.  If I can complain about LGBTBBQ on a site as blatantly pozzed as Facebook, why should I bother doing it on an imageboard/imageboard site with all of the noxious baggage that comes with it?  There are other legitimate Christian discussion forums that are not Facebook.

And yes, I'm aware of those signs of dystopia you listed.  I still see no real reason to view imageboard culture as some sort of "last bastion of hope" against such things.  If anything, imageboard culture is a symptom of our growing dystopia - people going onto online anonymous image boards to, in contrast to what you keep claiming, escape said dystopia, through online LARPing and the illusion of power and importance through conspiracy theories and grandiose fantasies of being part of the underground rebellion via kooky politics.   

> free speech is bad

Free speech itself isn't bad.  It's the noxious radical variety that is endemic to the anonymity of board sites like this, that isn't worth a hill o' beans.