
> that anonymous imageboards are necessarily profane and escapist.

They are.  Besides the top boards that I listed (not to mention just take a look at the top boards of any image board site, as well as behavior on even the so-called SFW ones), let's take a look at this very board right now:

-No posts in the prayer thread
-Nofap/Purity thread is basically dead
-Potentially interesting discussion and thought provoking heresy thread is basically dead
-QTDDTOT thread is basically dead
-One of the more active threads recently has been a literal Judaiser going over the same exact mental gymnastics that all Judaisers of Christianity engage in.
-The most active thread other than this one, the "Racemixing and Zionist" thread, is the same OT verses out of context argument that's been done a gazillion times ad nauseam that I mentioned earlier.

Probably the only good active thread is the meme and bread pills thread.

Honestly, I'm sorry if I'm being a Debbie Downer.  I started out on 4chan around the later middle 2000's (sometime before Project Chanology); migrated over to 8chan in the aftermath of the Gamergate fiasco; started hanging out on pre-Catholic Mafia /christian/ once I came back to Christianity; migrated to /christianity/ once the Catholic Mafia started bearing down; and while hanging out on Endchan following the 8chan crackdown, and while Endchan had it's upgrade downtime, I wandered and explored other imageboard sites.  Hanging out on /christian/ and /christianity/ for so long, I had forgotten just how degenerate imageboard culture can be outside of a Christian board, not to mention I had already started having nagging doubts even during my time on 8chan /christian/ and /christianity/.  So yes, I am quite cynical and weary of imageboard culture at this point.

There is a part of me that still wants to stay and fight the good fight, since there are so many people on image boards that desperately need Christ.  At the same time, I can't help but wonder if I need to wake up to the fact that imageboard culture is a hopeless Sodom and Gomorrah that I need to flee and not look back, lest I turn into a bitter pillar of saltiness, as seems to be happening now.