TL;DR, ἀκάθαρτος was the word used for unclean food in the Levitical dietary sense. κοινός or "common" was used literally for dirty food. Food that was made dirty via contact because it was referring to food that was 
< defiled because treated as common
> The very way it's talked about in Rom 14:5. It doesn't matter. Love and faith matter. Mate someone must've scared you into obedience to the letter of the Law but time after time you'll find it written in the scriptures that loving your neighbour fulfills the Law. You're turning from crux of the matter towards superficialities that at best might provide some flimsy placebo for your conscience and at worst will drive you to pride.
The reason why the Law matters is because it's the way that God wants us to live, and never was this changed. 
Jesus has died in place for OUR transgressions against God's commandment going back to Adam and Eve. But this doesn't mean that the Law doesn't matter anymore!  As it is written:
> Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.