With the coming of Christ, a New Covenant was made. Commonly people like you misunderstand it to mean that "agape fills the Law therefore the Law is dead and we can sin whatever we want just as we did before" however as detailed by Paul, the Law of Moses was never abolished. It's holy, and just, and good, and is the rightful way of "moral conduct". 
This is why man in his fallen state should adhere to the Levitical Law. Done. 
> Original commandments were shattered by Moses because Israel rejected God by going after their idols. It wasn't God's original intent to have Israel under Levitical Law, it was added after the original because Israel turned away from him in the wilderness. 
What nonsense are you talking about. Yes, they rejected Jehovah by creating a graven image of him which was forbidden in the 10 commandments. 
However, this has nothing to do with Levitical Law. There were already commandments given after the 10 commandments from Exodus 20 to 23, while the sin of the golden calf was in Exodus 32.
> And every translator missed that
< statutes that were not good: I delivered them into the hands of their temptation to stumble over their iniquity, and so did Jonathan render: And I delivered them into the hands of their foolish temptation, and they went and made decrees that were not good, and practices by which they cannot live.
This is from Rashi's commentary on Ezekiel, and he notes that Jonathan translated it as, I will repeat:
< And I delivered them into the hands of their foolish temptation, and they went and made decrees that were not good, and practices by which they cannot live.
So yes, "every translator missed that" is a foolish assumption, because you're wrong.
> Plausible point but it's not all there's to it. Even through that verse from Proverbs if you don't stop at the letter but read the spirit you can tell that God requires proper moral conduct rather than rituals. It is foreshadowed here and then in NT it's one of the crucial points of Jesus teaching. If ritual was important God wouldn't not talk it down as he did in these fragments of Isaiah. He isn't saying "you're doing great with your rituals, keep it up, but you need to work on your morality". He's saing "Your new moons and your set seasons hath My soul hated, They have been upon me for a burden, I have been weary of bearing.". You're not making intellectual error by thinking that it's just God despising ritual with wrong morality but there is insinuation here that ritual itself 
> You're not making intellectual error by thinking that it's just God despising ritual with wrong morality but there is insinuation here that ritual itself is worthless and in NT ritual isn't reiterated, moral conduct is. 
Exactly. God is saying that because these rituals were all being conducted in his name by the Israelites while they lack the moral conduct, that these rituals are thus an abomination unto him. Not because these observances are an abomination unto him per se, not because they're good, but they lack moral conduct.