> Listen, we're having some obvious problems with communication here. First you say koinos simply means 'common'. Semantic fields of 'common' in English and 'common' as used by Jews don't line up very well. 
My original point of it meaning common was it being shared. This by definition is being literally dirty, and is according to the Biblical context, which I clarified afterwards. Then you argued that it also meant dirty in a metaphorical context, which I never denied. Again, you keep blabbering on to no avail.
> Wow you actually hadn't explained anything and you don't even realize that. If Levitical Law is the way God wants man, tainted by sin, to live why wasn't it given to Noah and Abraham? 
> I think I recall Abraham being justified by something else, despite not following the Law, and that could be easily attributed to Noah too if it wasn't in scriptures. 
Faith. They were justified by faith. 
The Levitical Law was a law designed to govern a fallen people, for they kept falling away from faith. Abraham was once a polytheist, but he had faith in God via his grace, and he was righteous. 
Now, the Levitical Law doesn't change with the New Covenant.
> And the same Paul also wrote Gal 3:19 and how we've died in Christ so we're not under the Law, and how kingdom of God is about righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. You'll maybe want to say that righteousness IS the act of keeping the Law but since the Law included dietary requirements this cannot be the case. Everything that's not done in faith is sin. Spirit of the Law needs to be fulfilled and it's fulfilled by agape. 
Again, this is just as I said. Faith in Christ alone is what saves us, not the Law, and this is what Paul's talking about. We simply can't avoid sin by following the Law without faith, none of this is in disagreement. 
> Not exactly. Again you show you don't understand what I wrote. There's more to it, you might disagree and I don't think I can make you see what I see anyway so I'll just drop it. Maybe it'll crop up in your mind later in your life if you change your views. 
Yes, you said that the "ritual itself is worthless", but nothing else you say adds into this. Again:
< "you're doing great with your rituals, keep it up, but you need to work on your morality". He's saing "Your new moons and your set seasons hath My soul hated, They have been upon me for a burden, I have been weary of bearing.". 