
> Yet where I live, there literally is no large community that I can be a part of that can enforce the Law. 

Where do such communities exist then?  Is there such a community that enforces the fast of unleavened bread to the strictest letter, while following Christ, that you can point out?

> take Tobias in the book of Tobit

The Apocrypha is collectively a historical, geographical, chronological and theological train wreck that dilutes the inerrant and infallible books of the Bible.  Tobit is one of the worst offenders of them all.  Just the first four verses are a dumpster fire in terms of determining which period the piece takes place in, and includes weird "drive demons away through witchcraft" tomfoolery, such as burning parts of fish to drive Asmodeus away.  It honestly reads more like a Grimm's fairy tale than an inspired book of the Bible.  Professional Biblical scholars are in such unison over the fact the Tobit, and other books of the Apocrypha, are historically dubious and obviously made up, they've begun to question legitimate books like Ruth.  

Literally the only reason why they're in Catholic and Orthodox "Bibles" is a combination of wanting to stick it to the Protestants out of spite during the Reformation, and because they can only cite some of their more unbiblical doctrines in their "Bibles" by including these books: written during a period without prophetic divine inspiration, and, at best, treated as respected bonus material and tradition by the Jews themselves.  Not divinely inspired authority.

As for "not needing authority."  Are you a prophet or an anointed one of God, like Elijah, or Nehemiah, and thus operate under the direct supervision of God himself?  Or are you just some random Joe Schmo?  If you're the latter (which you are) you need a pastor and church assembly to guide you.  Period.