
"Apostle" doesn't even mean Rabbi, or Master, or Teacher, or anything involving authority.  It simply means something along the lines of "Messenger" or "One Who Is Sent Out."

That's as far as I'm going.  No I haven't debunked any of your context abusing (or blatantly idiotic, like the aforementioned "Apostle" argument) gish galloping, nor do I plan to, because I value my time and sanity, and have too much drama as it is in my life right now to waste time on this.

Plus, you've already outed yourself as the Judaiser from the other thread, which I am now starting to strongly suspect is either:

a) A trolling persona created by the Board Owner in order to drum up traffic through artificial and contrived controversy, or...

b) A new trolling persona of that Malaysian Anglican Guy from 8chan/you're just a mentally disturbed heretic who needs Christ.

So no, I am not playing this game.  If you want to call this a win, go you.  Here's your cookie.  I'm out.