> How curiously you ignore "thy people". This only encompasses people of Israel. Same as with usury, that's why Jews became infamous for it among the gentiles. 
It's almost like the Mosaic Covenant applied to the people of Moses, and that the New Covenant applies to all Christians. 
> Take it to JC, his words. Matthew 5:43 
I'm talking about the Old Testament. Love thy neighbour comes from Leviticus 19, but the line "hate thine enemy" is nowhere to be found in the entire Old Testament. It's specifically a certain teaching.
> And fulfilled requirements of the Law once and for all. This is what is not getting to you even though you say 'faith alone'. 
See:  >>/290/
> sauce 
Acts 21:26. This is a huge issue that has caused massive mental gymnastics among people who don't follow the Law, such as "Paul just did so to appease the Pharisees", because it's clearly Paul taking part in the purification ritual in the 2nd temple AFTER he became a Christian.
> Only if you can do it all perfectly which you can't. Jesus did not come so you could have unlimited chances at the Law arcade. He gave you a 100% complete save state so you can enjoy the good ending. If you do the Law you're starting new game, overwriting the save.
Just because we're saved, it doesn't mean that sin isn't a problem anymore. Only after Judgement Day when Eden is restored and when the people of eternal life inherit it, does this come to be.