> Go one verse back and Jesus mentions "Law and the Prophets" so Old Testament
Yes, exactly. Law and the Prophets, the books. Jesus said that he came NOT to abolish them, but to fulfill. And as you know, heaven and earth haven't passed yet, not all has been fulfilled.
Therefore, not one jot will come out of the Law until all prophecies will be fulfilled. 
> Then death remains in the world. The Law still gives power to death. It still serves as a basis for accusation; Satan can still ask "has it not been written?". Everything of the old world will perish, Law included
I'm not disagreeing with you here. The Law does serve as a basis for accusation (though Satan tempts, and doesn't allow the truth to get through), and it won't apply in the New Kingdom of Christ.
Where you're wrong is that we're heirs of the new world, and thus we shouldn't follow the Law anymore. Again:
< For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Till all be fulfilled. Not all prophecies foretold in the Law and the Prophets have been fulfilled yet, thus we're still under the Law, and thus we're not living under the laws of a new world, spiritually.