> Where you're wrong is that we're heirs of the new world, and thus we shouldn't follow the Law anymore.
We should always follow the law, even into eternity. That’s because the law represents God’s character. It is not an arbitrary thing, the laws of God are innately good and reflect not only the divine character but also the created order. This is why men died even when there was no law, because creation itself testifies to the law, and so men even in ignorance sin against God willingly. 
> we're still under the Law
Then we are still in our sin and there is no life in us. Have you sinned? Does the law not promise death for sin? Then by your own admission you deserve not to live with Christ, from whom all life is derived, but to die like a criminal.
> we're not living under the laws of a new world, spiritually.
You are contradicting the entire New Testament. Do you dismiss the New Testament? If so, what revelation do you bring forward? Or is this a religion of your own design?