> It's almost like you've lost the track of the conversation. Neighbour in the Law is a fellow Hebrew since 'thy people'.
Probably because it's the Old Covenant. Thy people were immediately Law-observant Hebrews.
> Neighbour in Jesus' teaching is your fellow human being, not just your fellow Christian. 
Nonsense. Jesus clearly states who your "neighbour" is in Luke 10:25-37.
> It is a summary of the message of the Law, not a direct citation. 
A message of the tribalistic interpretation the Pharisees were engaged in. Following the Law to the word, but not to its Spirit. 
> "'And concerning those of the nations who have believed, we have written, having given judgment, that they observe no such thing, except to keep themselves both from idol-sacrifices, and blood, and a strangled thing, and whoredom.' " 
They weren't allowed to enter the Second Temple, and as such they were practicing Christianity themselves among their own people, thus they didn't practice such rituals.
> And while it might seem like mental acrobatics what Paul did there does fit 1 Corinthians 9:20 
Perhaps, though Paul as a Benjaminite and former Pharisee willingly observed the Law as he did before instead of just practice it to gain the jews as followers. 
> When Paul wrote about it he made separation between body and internal man. Your body will die (or will be transformed if you live through to see Jesus' return) your internal man is saved already
What then is the internal man? Is it not your bodily heart? 
This is where things get sloppy. Just because we're saved by Christ's atonement, this doesn't mean that we shouldn't follow the Law. Until all is fulfilled, we should follow the model to live a good life, we are not to follow iniquity as saved people.