
If a Christian is pro-Jew, it's usually the product of abysmally bad eisegesis or exegesis of scripture.  

Basically, they usually refer to either God's promise to Abraham to bless those who bless him, and curse those who curse him, while conveniently ignoring the parts of the Old Testament where God brings the hammer down on the Jews when they start acting up.  In other words, they pretty much ignore the fact that God's promise to Abraham only applied to the Jews as long as they stayed within proper worship and obedience to his commandments.  As modern Talmudic Jews have rejected Christ, the true Messiah, in favor of their Jewish-esque Talmud traditions, they are no longer under that kind of protection from God.  Same thing applies to a non-Jew Christian if they apostatize from God.

Jew-worshipers also take the promises of God through Paul, as well as in the book of Revelation, of the remnant of the Jews eventually being restored to God, out of context.  Once again, they not only conveniently ignore the "eventually" part, but also Jesus' own warnings about those who call themselves Jews, but are actually the synagogue of Satan (i.e. modern Talmudic Jews.)