thumbnail of what is going on with this.jpeg
thumbnail of what is going on with this.jpeg
what is going on with... jpeg
(2.27 MB, 6737x2125)
I'm not looking to troll, I'm just the critical thinking philosopher type. I LOVE GOD. I can't make that clear enough.
Please discuss with me the contents of this "conspiracy image" as many will call it. 

Probably even blasphemy some will say. I respect all your opinions even if I may disagree. Please read the intro (top left) before any other part of the image so that you understand where I'm coming from before just outright getting angry and banning me. 

Even if I'm not instantly banned, my main and outright goal is not to cause butthurt, even though I'm sure it will happen at least to some extent. I hope I get the reasonable people because I rather have some good discussion, period.

I tried to talk to others in the past, and they just instantly ban me when I go directly to the source like a christian image board and ask them "hey what does this mean to you". My question for those people is this
> How can you hold the beliefs you do (your personal right, not debating that!) but are completely unwilling to discuss anything that challenges that? Even if you're never gonna change your mind, why not even talk about it?

I'm just saying, something doesn't add up, and I think it's important to talk about it. The image provided criticizes everyone equally, or at least as close as I could to be as fair as possible.
