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PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Women Of Jezebel -- False Ministers Of Sin And Wickedness

“I did not call you into the ministry, O woman.  You did.  You wanted an empire of religion of your own making.  I called you not, you disobeyed Me.  O woman of sin and self-righteousness, when will you repent?  I called you not, your heart of pride called you.  I called you not, and still you went in, intruding in territory that is for men only.  For I do not call women to preach, to teach.  That is for men only.  Women pastors are an abomination, women teachers shall be plunged into Hell.  I called them not, yet they still went in to the ministry to destroy My Church.  They want money and things, a career of their own choosing and not Mine.  They shall be eternally separated from Me because they will not repent -- Jezebel won’t let them.  Forever hardened in sin and self-righteousness, I call all servants of Jezebel into eternal Hell fire.  Your LORD has spoken.”