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Prophecy Of God's Will- My Will Be Done
"I Am God. Many will be subject to Me for all eternity, My son. Only those who do My will will enter My Kingdom. The rest will be excluded. They will not do My will, My son. They will be punished forever. Many will not do My will, My son. They shall be punished forever in the Lake of Fire. You are one of the few. You are willing to do My will. I will save you. The rest shall be damned. They will not obey. You see the world around you? They are going to Hell. They had many chances. They will not obey. They hate Me, the Living God. They want the world, and the things of the world. They want it more than Me. They shall be excluded. They want Me not. They will not obey. I Am with you, My son. Go and do My will. Go into all the world, I command you. Few will go. They will be saved. The rest shall be damned. They will not obey. Go, My son. Your LORD has spoken."