
I love this idea as well.  But as you yourself have succinctly put it, it's a wonderful idea, but the execution of it is going to be tricky.  That, and it's been tried before in the past, and fell through for reasons that are unknown to me.

Since there are, to my knowledge if I'm not mistaken, several pre-packaged image board systems (like lynx chan, which this very board and others run on), the coding/technical aspect might not be that big of a hurdle.  I think the real challenge is going to be a combination of: 

1. As you said, expenses, such as url and hosting fees, fees if traffic starts to boom, DDoS defense software, etc. (then again, considering how small the community was on 8chan, perhaps those last two points won't be too much of a major issue for the foreseeable future.)

2. Manpower issues, in terms of mods and volunteers: both in terms of numbers, as well as technical expertise with at least a few of them, as well as issues of character (i.e. avoiding a mod team that devolves into a ban happy, power mad /christian/ all over again, but also avoids the opposite extreme of the heretic haven, gazillion "saint of the day" posts, no man's land that /christ/ became. )   

Of course, ultimately, it's going to be an issue of prayer and God's divine providence if this is even able to get off the ground in the first place.