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ITT we discuss Hebraism and the New Testament. 
> what's Judaising?
By definition here, "Judaiding" will be referred to by the official definition by the Catholic church, i.e. Hebraists who keep the Law of the Old Testament. While Paul may have came up with the term, it was to refer to people who viewed circumcision as necessary for salvation, i.e. they taught works based salvation based on the Old Covenant.
Think of Judaising as adopting a "Hebrew" life though still having your own tribal identity, just as Persian and Turkish Muslims live as Arabs. 
> why do you Judaise?
The Mosaic law still applies as it's the ideal way that the Father wants us to live. All of Jesus's teachings in the New Testament go back to the Mosaic law. Christians don't recognise this, and say that the Law had ended and now we're under the "Law of Christ", which is simply untrue. Moreover, they mix the cosmology and metaphysics of the Old Testament with a Greek cosmology and metaphysics, because Gospels were written in Greek. 
> KIKE!!
This thread is not about the jews of modern times. This thread is specifically about Bronze Age and Second Temple Israelites, whereas modern jews descend from Moabite and Edomite tribes moved into Judea around 200BC, who don't follow the old Jahwist religion anymore and instead follow their own doctrines of man.