
It was notorious for Gnostics and those into stuff like "Christian" mysticism/esotericism, and had flags for everyone, from Buddhists to Atheists.  

The penultimate moment when the site really crashed and burned is when the BO allowed a poster to post a "Saint of the Day" post once a day during Lent/Great Lent.  Here's the thing though: instead of having these posts neatly and sensibly compiled into one singular thread, the BO allowed the poster to make a completely new thread for every. single. "Saint of the Day." for the entire 40 day period of Lent/Great Lent.  As a result, the board as a whole, especially the catalog view, became an absolute mess of "Saint of the Day" spam threads.

Anyone with any sense whatsoever abandoned the board to it's fate.  It's a cautionary tale about incompetent board management.