Or maybe, and hear me out here, you take a break. I've been here since before the comic started on webtoons (two years old now, by the way) and I've never understood the autistic determination to have a thread every single Saturday without pause or respite so much so that it inspires people to spam new thread after new thread on a Saturday, in vain (as they are deleted), because it's what has become normal. My advice? Take a break. One or two weeks, a month, more, it's not too much to ask, but take a break from making and posting in the threads. One, it'll be good for the threads to take a break between everything going on and two it'll be good for you, the reader, to not have to worry and wring your hands every Saturday about whether or not the thread will be ruined, or the mods listened and so on. I think this was what the usual OP was trying and then, anyways, a bell was tripped in someone's head saying "DING DING No thread!" and they made one anyways. They even apologized to regular OP for making one when he hadn't. Fix that and then the rest will follow. Happy Easter.