That's unfortunate news, I'm trying my best to hold it together but it feels like I'm going insane. It's just a web comic but I can't help it.

Wendy's story is one of my favorites, very character driven rather than a horrible situation driving the story. Too bad it's posted even slower than the comic ha

I know about those places, was hoping there was somewhere else with more discussion. Only half the /co/ thread is good, then it derails and I have to wait another week to get my high quality discussion fix. I just want somewhere without meme and porn spam, just straight Nandroid talk and speculation and lore exploration.

Like how long do you think the Nandroid schooling lasted for? It's only like 10 or so comic pages but it could have been a solid 6 months or more of prepping the girls. Or do you think it was a 1 month crash course where they taught them something once and moved on, lasting 14 hours a day, recharge, then do it all again?

What do you think a Nandroids first activation is like? Certainly they all have to have the same kind of blueprint so when they first turn on they know English and can react to commands, that kind of stuff.