This lasted from November of 2021 into January of 2022, with the generally better threads being accompanied by more OCs, more art, and generally better engagement. This past February, however, we picked up another /pol/ tripfag (now 'Hitman00') who many speculate is the same person as the above reichsfuhrer, and whose modus operandi is incessant, almost mind numbing minute-to-minute spam, with jannies and mods initially doing nothing to stop it. There have been a few instances of bans and deletions of his posts, and he was banned for a month (which ended just a few days ago), so there is hope that moderation has listened. Other than that, though, the spam has returned the threads to its former place of negativity and general hostility towards creators making what they want to make. The current "civil war" gripping the fandom would be intense and hostile arguments about the body types and breasts placed on nandroids by different creators and so on.

That was a very, very abbreviated history of the Emmy the Robot threads from their inception to today. I apologize for any of my own biases leaking in, and for any crucial details I may have dropped or times I may have flubbed- were this 4chan an anon would quickly and angrily correct me, but you'll have to depend on me being an impartial observer having been here to see all of this. 

I also tried to omit as much about creators' works as possible since that would be the topic of a completely different half-dozen post series like I've made here, and they're not as crucial to understanding the actual story of the threads, somewhat at least.