What really disturbs me is the type of people that we deal with is actually the people that influences "we", isn't really that bright of a bunch from my observations, people that don't know when an appeal to authority is necessary or not, people that can't accept that correlation isn't always causation except when the shoe fits, people that think Ron Paul was an authentic politician, generally people that are excessively stubborn to their political, ideological purism from understanding some of the flaws behind their own statements that actually comes from borrowing the logic of their enemy. /pol/ and the conspiratorial side of /x/, regardless of the situation, is never always right, empirically speaking, but you guys have some level of tunnel vision, less historical attention span, and some long held axioms of truth predetermined by your peers that are not actually true. Remember when most of us thought Hillary wasn't going to win at all? Only a honest researcher would admit to the actual reality that Trump was not meant to be president, that Soros rigged the votes but didn't expect the voter turnout to be so high for Trump while the battle to change the electorial votes to switch to Hillary took place in December even through early January. People casually ignore that George HW Scherff, one of the conspirators behind the JFK assassination, did the mafia cut throat gesture in a Trump campaign facing towards him, that Barbara Perci Scherff pretty much given Trump a death sentence for beating Jeb the turtle. People don't realize the promises that Trump had made includes destroying the 501c3 thing to be done against churches that kept them from speaking up about politics as well as from being against gay marriage to be done in their churches because they're state controlled churches. Many things he promotes are very good policies, he made Ford and Carrier to build their factories in the US and hire Americans, he is a 9/11 truther although he's bluepilled concerning who did it, he might secretly can't trust Boeing airplanes although made it about money in declining in having them build the $4 Billion airplane, he even kicked out James Woolsey because of a potential CIA assassination attempt against him from him (Woolsey). What needs to be understood here is that Trump is still Jewed but some of the Elites and Banker Jews and Court Jews are not in favor of Trump. Newsweek printed their disinfo which was available a full three days prior to the election results which that recalled issue is sold for hundreds on Ebay now, most definitely a collector's item. It's complete utter bullshit when I hear you guys claim that it was meant to be, by you guys I mean those that left 8chan's /pol/ because you hated pro Trump narratives being shoved down your throat, although there are other valid claims to not stay in 8chan, for you guys wanted to have your political theory over dealing with the facts. That's why you will only recognize the wrongs in Trump alone and never admit that Trump did any good, intellectual dishonesty is committed here. Cont.