Another example is how there's many factions among the "we", which includes the Good Saloon, pagans, retards who believe in memes, various splintered views concerning NatSocs, cultists (like masonry), religious people, even pro Trump and pro Alt-Right people come here from time to time. Endchan users is predisposed to hold onto a specific mindset affected in the search for a home away from home, self victimization, hatred against Jews. However, they had become supporters of their enemies similarily in the way the Alt-Right was Jewed, so did /pol/ became an unwilling promoter of the Jew in promoting ethnonationalism which promotes Jews to leave for Israel. You are under a catch-22 that has no real answer to accept for extreme measures of violence. In exchange in securing the existence of white people and a future for their children, they still must support Israel. Nobody can ksay for certain as to what would Hitler had done if he had known what the Jews would do in the creation of a global secular religion called the Holocaust that directly benefits the Jew to be used against people that doesn't even have anything to do with it just in denying their account which in turn convinces more people to donate and promote the awareness of the Holocaust even more. You can't ignore the problem or else you would let it grow, while if you go against the problem, you would only exacerbate the problem to increase while your cause decreases because of groupthink. That's the true power behind any ideology in general, but it's only powerful when it's in power and also the majority. You guys then hypocritically attempt to or actually succeed to create a new axiom of truth within the collective consciousness in /pol/ of something that isn't true, claiming that the enemy abuses a certain argument even if it has nothing to do with them, then claim the argument is false by giving an intellectually dishonest counterargument carefully designed to counter the argument, which such arguments are engineered by some of your peers so that you don't need to think for yourself, you just need to repeat what they had said. Cont.