So how how much of /pol/ actually have a thinking mind to be able to tell if they're full of shit or not? Too few to count. We've reached the point where we've been Jewed so much we don't know, we simply don't know, and it's about time there's more people that are honest about not knowing the future, admitting to only speculating on things, even when they're simply repeating what others before them told them to think. YOu can think deeply yet be completely utterly insane. I won't listen to insanity, but unfortunately, so much of us are already completely utterly insane, being unable to find a proper perspective on things anymore, a false enlightenment based on knowledge without any wisdom to properly show what is on the other side of the shadow, the principle that cast the attribute, which the insane calls the shadow a thing in itself to be real when that is to reify an attribute to be separate from its principle as its own principle.

meant to say Goon Saloon, honest mistake, I fucking hate those people.