I stopped posting info about this after Chester Bennington from Linkin Park died.  I was hoping that no one else would mysteriously die....Then Dolores O'Riordan died, also under strange circumstances. Drowned in a hotel bathtub while drunk.    

A lot of the stuff about Chester doesn't add up as well, and he was friends with Chris.   

There is a lot of conspiracy speculation about the Chris Cornell / Chester Bennington "Double Suicide" issue.  Much of it is horror/ pizza gate related. 

The music industry is rife with ocultism and bizarre stuff. Just type in Chris Cornell Chester Bennington Conspiracy in youtube...  I don't know how much of the speculation is valid but I might repost links to some of it here since the spammer necro-bumped this thread. 

In any event, in my opinion all three of those artist's deaths were serious losses to rock music, and probably more so to their families. 

I might post some of the content/ info / speculation about the Linkin Park Connection...as it goes down a pizza gate / horror rabbit hole.