I was pondering the darkseas, dread has been down for hours. Ran into this post and decided, why not fuck it. I seen this ad on dread and people were ranting about how great /u/KetaMeds services are. Now, I'm no stranger to ketamine, and darknetmarket purchases. Though this through me off, cause it wasn't a link to a market, but rather a pastebin with the low down on what to do to get some of /u/Ketameds Ketamine and other gooddies. Anyways, I took a $250 nose dive. 
Fuck yeah, I don't regret it. Not only did I get an 8ball of Ketamine in 4 days, I also got to try some weird as other shit he sent out for free for mentioning that I saw the ad on endchan. He then told me to review it here and he would toss me a few bitcoins for the troubles and possibly some extra ketamine next time I order. 
Which I just did. 
Thank you /u/KetaMed.