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thumbnail of TrailblazingtheKids.jpg
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Time to then start a new site rivaling Kilo's. Utilizing all of its best features and going a little further, raising the bar far high and above top shelf services like instant cheaper swaps, message boards intergrated with markets and of course a forum like this one that can burry dread in the past once and for all. Everything dread be touching be turning spoiled sour now including the kilos project. 
I noticed all XMR related DEX are having trouble, with my personal favorite, InfinityExchanger also displaying a banner saying XMR mechanisms back in order in a few days. I do recall that on the surface net XMR community, recent current events are shaking up the crypto industry as a whole, with sanctions and scruitiny like none ever seen before.
Good luck to all.
The gofish market has a platform for fund raising if money is what is needed to push this missions forward.
I would love to donate to trail blaze such a project.
Money in the right places makes the world go round right!?