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thumbnail of BaileyJay.png
BaileyJay png
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I can see a future where bitcoin meets or almost meets the market cap of gold. (Currently I think it's at about 2% of the way there - but growing fast!) If it does, and all 21m BTC are mined, and we assume around 1/3 of all BTC are lost due to things like HD failure, lost paper wallets, seizures where the criminals wouldn't give up the password, etc, that's 14m BTC within a $11.29 trillion market cap. If that all happens, the price of 1 BTC would be ~$806,428.57.
Of course, this assumes that, by the time institutional interest in BTC grows large enough for its market cap to overtake gold, that another cryptocurrency won't win out. I could realistically see XMR, some ETH-like currency, or a super fast coin like Nano beating BTC in the long run, so maybe I'm completely wrong in my predictions.

> pic unrelated