format - board is missing in lookups: [dobrochan]
what we have [Array
    [0] => >>dobrochan/1327
    [1] => dobrochan
    [2] => 1327
    [3] => 
format - board is missing in lookups: [dobrochan]
what we have [Array
    [0] => >>dobrochan/1296
    [1] => dobrochan
    [2] => 1296
    [3] => 
- Endchan Magrathea
What are you saying? Is goal-setting not an intellectual activity? And who told you that GPT would not learn to set global goals? After all, he trained including on philosophical treatises, in which the question of the meaning of life is chewed up and down. GPT-3 still responds with pedigree phrases, but GPT-4 is a maximum, GPT-5 - I think after a long enough dialogue, it will be able to tell you exactly what to do, given your preferences and your worldview. And you'll happily run to follow his instructions - "Yes!" That's what I've always wanted! I just couldn't say it! and you'll go get some extra.

And I was afraid for them: they will have to learn to clearly write to represent images, and Neuralink will answer any question, transmitting the answer directly to the brain. They won't even be able to play games, they'll say, "Get me through this boss, he's fucked." Youtube 2.0, lol. Neuralink with a neural network in the cloud will generally satisfy all basic needs, including social ("write a love letter to Mama from 5b").

Hell, there's a whole neocortex atrophied. They'll be fucking zombies who can only eat, fuck and shit Wi-Fi through Neuralink.

P.S. Provided that our generation does not squeeze the core of the loaf in search of work.