>> I haven't even tried it. But if you insist
>> Bring the pdf, we'll laugh.
Calson, I've asked you a hundred times, but what's the point of this helpless resistance? Who are you trying to convince by sticking bananas in your ears? When you climbed into the groove, demanding that the ADNAKNOP interface is ANYTHING NEVER counted, it was the same. Now you've got one-button interfaces, but you're hiding behind a fictional twin brother and some mole-headed glass humor.
>> It's kind of like your marvellous attempts to bet money first, and then skip down.
Of course, now we will not know whether you would pay, or would move on the inaccessibility of crypto and single-button web wallets, as in absolutely all other cases.
But judging by the hutspe, my intuition did not let me down. The article came out. And instead of saying, "Thank you uncle for not robbing me, you skeptic fool," you're trying to play it over.
Do you really not realize what this stupid, desperate stubbornness looks like?