> мы стареем, тупеем, прогрессируют наши болезни, а не сильные стороны.
> Это не семёнство, не заговор жидомасонов, не пиар
Пациент по кличке "жидошиз" уже излечился от мании еврейского заговора? А вы говорите, лечение галоперидолом устарело!
> Galactica was introduced as a large-scale language model for science that could "summarize academic literature, solve math problems, generate Wiki articles, write scientific code, annotate molecules and proteins, and more".
> Soon after the launch, Galactica seemed to be garnering negative reviews. Turns out, that the bot was generating fake research. Twitter users began sharing some hilarious made-up posts such as one about the Stanford Gaydar AI that was supposedly worked on in secret to create software that could analyse human faces to tell if they were gay or straight.
> Then there was one about "the benefits of eating crushed glass".
Однако, имеют место опасения: а не начнет ли сектант, получив очередное откровение от своего божка, жрать битое стекло?