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You mean Mr. Ken?

Yes, he was my first friend... we met around 1995, in the cancha (concrete soccer court) a few kilometers from my house. That's where I learned with my brothers how to ride a tricycle, do a chilena (without cracking my head on the floor), and with Ken the true meaning of friendship :^3

Every weekend, I would wake up and go there, and from time to time I would find other children there whom I would befriend. I guess I was a social butterfly even back when I was 4; though sadly, even then I was face blind and forgetful about people. Close to the cancha, there was a hill around 20 meters high with a fenced shrine on top (Virgin Mary or something), from where I would look around the flat suburban landscape below. On one such occasion, I found a small trail of refugees that came from the war-torn Amazons as a result of an Anglo-Saxon company and their corrupting influence in the area. I run down the hill, and as always enjoying the strong breeze hitting my face and caressing my hair. Once down, I talked randomly to the people there about different subjects such as biology and local politics, and that's where I met Ken and his sister.

Ken was older than me. I cannot remember what nerdy subject I brought up, but we ended up talking about Dragonball. From then on, we met every Saturday on that place and would ran up and down the hill. From time to time his sister would come with us, but for the most part it was just the two of us. There were tiny trinkets where we would venture, though it was never a great adventure as he was interested in listening to my talk and I was interested in smelling the flowers growing there.

One time, the three of us went to a secluded area surrounded by trees and brushes, filled with discarded items like chairs. It was a bit chilly for children our age wearing nothing but summer clothes, we were all wearing sleeveless t-shirt with shorts. On that occasion, upon arriving my friend Ken left because he had forgotten something where he was staying, leaving me and his sister sitting on discarded chairs and a table. As the wind blew, it disturbed a dusty blanket which she took to cover her legs. Seeing me, she neared her chair to mine and covered our legs and arms with it. As the seconds became minutes, I continued talking about something I cannot remember, but moved my hands on her knees and then up her thighs which lasted for an hour. I guess you can say even at that age I was a nympho :^3

Suddenly, Ken arrived and though terrified and blushing, we managed to dissimulate the situation. The three of us continued playing for the rest of the day. I got to spend more time with Ken and in my autism I forgot about her. Eventually we spent time with each other, he went to a public school and I to a private school on the other side of the street. ken and I always kept in touch, when we met a few years back at a soccer stadium, we talked about our lives. One thing I remember telling him is that he looked like an old hag. He laughed saying that it was due to his work as a jannie. Recently, I valiantly led a girl to delete a thread by requesting my good old friend "Old Hag" Ken to delete it.

Feel free to determine which elements of this story were actual parts of my childhood.