> What we need is a better way to reach the masses
I fear only option which can come to my mind can be relying on how one german anon on 4pol when i was there to try ortsgruppen prinzip or how it was called ie in many areas be it village or city having small 5 men unit of same thinking men or in case of target simply puting this in front of him 
When did rotschild became an anglosaxon and not a jew
When did soros became a hungarian and not a jew
Since when larry fink is american and not a jew
Since when is lets say the ministry of health of US a american and not a jew
If someone will mald that this is not point or mental gymnastics of raysist evil hwuite man then i recommend insisting on tthe points at least for me it worked in workplace when arguing despite getting scars to not be on nice man list (be it on corporate or of minorities here which are gypsies whom many have simmilar victimhood complexes or desire to earn without working)