> Pretty sure we've discussed this and you may have pointed out the "Front" obviousness
Yes if i remember that i mentioned that from side of being still under zog juristiction and thus taxes and a law combined that they had failed the siege warfare classes with NW plan since cascadia may have pretty forrests but what of it when you deal with keeping your men fed

> Those who fell back on brainwashing by consuming ZOG television went back to being dipshit mind slaves.
I never understand this way of thinking despite explaining that to have something to cope or something on a way of fallacy seems legit on in order to not recognize ones misery
So one is aware of they lie and slander one is aware they say bullshit and they shove it to them and yet they still think that just maybe maybe they arent evil or lie to one

Did they never saw that regans quote (despite being a giant faggot) trust but verify or even considered something outside of simple gotcha fallacy of a screen jew