> We're all "Do-nothings" but his stupid ideas are "brilliant
And yet his supposed briliance was an tantrum of an teenager and assumption that national socialists are from wealthy enviroment...
> That was a jew
And a spergy one but thats typical for them
When i look on that deeply i wonder if i didnt maybe saw the same jew on 4chan natsoc general on this sunday because the parrarels of ignorance and naivity are very coorelating altrough in this case i didnt saw an mark faggotton "history lesson" of supposed "debunking with facts" on nsdap economical model spreading the lie of supposedly already bankrupt nation that "needed to ration food and steal gold for industrialists while forcing people to army to buff arms industries portforlio as they were capitalists robbing workers" quoting this nonsense as an "evidence" of interest rates and his claims in germany and when pointed out screaming as same as that imbecile here ignoring any law or testimony https://www.calameo.com/books/004601149503a5b22fb45
But thats just an offtopic assumption on something that is irrelevant anyway as thats like i would differ between cancers