> All good things in nsdap germany happened in spite of hitler
Meanwhile reality
Jet program sank to bottom because of retarded experiments and on purpose made dementia in order to drown money to make me 262 a cas and not multipurpose fighter 
Self loader rifle project send to hell because of wehrmachts stupid demands and standarts and engineers boredom as DAF had no supervision in late war properly
Hyalmar schacht making any measures as possible to undermine economy 
Admiral kanaris and his conspirators selling off the secrets to soviets and allies and even gaslighting rommel there
Tank development having rustier advsncements because of lack of supervision ie the infamous myth of breaking panthers and tigers in less than 200 meters
Hyalmar schacht trying again and again to throw a wrench into social securities of germans
Stg 44 having rougher advsncement because of retarded attempts to delay development because heer was butthurt over hitler saying its assault rifle and not sub machinegun
Just a few to say