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> as if the progressives are defeated making memes
Proceeds to make the shittiest memes possible.
> he tried to make a violent coup before but failed miserably
As if we didn't know the bravery behind the Blutfahne and Andreas Bauriedl who gave his life in the struggle.
> Hitler subverted the system
He did not become "friends" with von Papen. Franz was such a fuckup, he gave up. Paul von Hindenburg as well. Hitler stepped forward when fucking idiots couldn't govern.
> attack on the reichstag done by natsoc agents
Marinus van der Lubbe. A Dutch Communist.
> paul von hindenburg died and hitler made a coup
> machtergreifung) and took absolute power
Hindenburg died in fucking 34. The Machtergreifung was in 33. Goddamn, this jew is retarded.
> before the war got 99% of the votes
He's such an uneducated idiot, this fool ends up accidentally lying FOR Hitler.