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Posted 4 times in 4 separate threads.

Now down to business. Jonas Salk caused what was known as vaccine-associated poliovirus infection resulting in paralytic poliomyelitis.
Ajay V. Bhatt, an Indian American, invented the USB.
The Minoans and then Romans invented plus improved the first aqueducts. Ancient Egyptians invented water pipelines. Hannis Thill of Australia invented the first plastic pipes. E.B. House of Colorado State were the first to use perforated pipe.
Bob Thomas wrote a computer program in 1971 known as Creeper. It was the first self replicating computer worm. Reaper was the first antivirus software created by Ray Tomlinson in 1972. So cybersecurity wasn't invented by jews either.
Albert Einstein was a thief and a hack.
So Franz Kafka wrote books. His grandfather Jakob Kafka was a kashrut. Ritual slaughterer. Franz himself was a porn addict and slept with brothel whores.
Marc Chagall's art was abstract stupid bullshit children could draw. Not even on the level of Pablo Picasso.
Elie Wiesel was a lying weasel.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem? Notoriously suspends Palestinian academics.
Chaim Weizmann? Pic related.
Bradford Parkinson, Ivan Getting and Roger L Easton where inventors of the Global Positioning System or G.P.S. while the Waze update is described by users as "hot garbage".

In conclusion, fuck this idiot jew. Kikes only worsen lives and steal concepts from other people.