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You still keep avoiding the fact that Hitler promoted positive Christianity, yet you were on /pol/ to attack it. I've banned Qtards very frequently in the past. I'm not "anti white" and I'm certainly not going to promptly kill myself. National Socialists were banned on 8cucks by Kampfy and all his goons. You are a shit starting imbecile. I gave you the chance to calm down and if you did, told you you'd have the opportunity again to post about Seana Fenner. You couldn't do that because all you were here for is to start shit. Until you can learn to stop, you'll continue to be banned no matter how many times you evade.

The Meta thread on /pol/ is as clear as you proving you're not even capable of basic reading retention.  >>/pol/84093/ What you shouldn't do if you are not NS is come to this board to play up with Divide & Conquer. That means don't start shit. Don't insult the board. If you don't like it here, you can leave. It's that simple.