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Yeah, I don't get that retard's conclusions.
> "Police know about Israelis and want them gone too"
??? If this was true, the problem would be over in days. There are over 800 thousand cops in the U.S. and 1.62 million enforcers of law in Europe.
> "If you end up in prison, then recruit and train more people"
I say I mention jews in a bad light and people look at me like I'm crazy, he says I'm a jewish shill. I say the obvious that the rest of the entire world is not as enlightened to the JQ, he says I live in an echo chamber.
An echo chamber is an environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own. I obviously get the complete opposite of that IRL from only kike loving pieces of shit.
According to him, posting information on imageboards is useless but there he was posting his position on an imageboard.
The sheer blindness of this dumbass He's not going to poison or kill anybody because he's just an edgy Starbucks barista hipster.
> desperate for attention
> retarded and crazy