Interesting webm. He's not entirely right. The people I meet at my job are married women by majority. I have convinced many, though they're more difficult than men because a man is logical. Women are ruled by their emotions. I have mentioned "white flight" before, which is them moving away usually to the northwest United States. They soon realize this doesn't accomplish anything. One man immediately joined the military to "try to stop it from the inside". There's no way he was successful. The U.S. military fights for Israel because American politicians are paid off by AIPAC. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria. They had nothing to do with the USA but everything to do with Israel.

I prefer only to speak to other caucasians so my audience is limited. The people surrounding me are usually brown or hispanic.

Some who would not be convinced turned out to be jews. Those where Ashkenazi, as in European bred kikes. You can't easily tell them apart. Yes they look "white" but something, some feature is always off. This can lead to paranoia about the features of everyone you meet. Kike blood seems to automatically prepossess them to be pro-Israel, "white people bad", ignorant to actual history and they loudly support every jewish plot for the elimination of indo-Europeans. Even a drop of jew blood, such as they said for quarter kike Donald Trump, is too much. He was 100% Zionist.