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“Your water is boiling.” Bobbie called.
“Awesome.” Brittney came running into the kitchen. Grace and Bobbie were sitting at the table.
“You makin’ tea or something?” Bobbie asked.
“Nope, not exactly” She said.
“Well what then? Why’re you being so mysterious?”
Brittany laughed. “Do you mind if I hurt your brother?”
Grace laughed. “Of course not.”
Brittany smiled enthusiastically. “Awesome, but this is gonna REALLY hurt.” She gestured toward the boiling water.
“What!?!” Grace feigned shock, but then broke into laughter with Bobbie. “Oh my gosh, that's too much”
“You don't want me to do it?”
“YES! Of course I want you to do it, it's gonna be hilarious!”
“Alright then…” Brittney poured the boiling water into a big tea cup. “Nathan is supposed to get up for his second job in about a half an hour…what do you think about giving him an early wake up call?” Bobbie laughed. “You're so evil.” “I know, dontcha love me?” She quipped. Grace and Bobbie laughed. “Now let's be super quiet when we go in his room, he'll be sleeping soundly cause he's been kind of sleep deprived for a while now, but still, we don't wanna ruin it by waking him up.” The girls all tiptoed down the hall. Bobbie took charge of opening the door, and she did it with only the slightest squeaking noise. The girls quietly gathered around his bed. He was lying on his back with the covers over one leg and his swollen genitals. Brittany ever so carefully lifted the blanket, revealing his gross swollen bruised balls. “Ewwww.” Grace whispered. Bobbie and Brittany both shushed her. Brittany prepared the cup carefully to be poured. The steam was still rising aggressively from the near boiling water. She quickly dumped it over his manhood and jumped back. Nathan started moaning. The girls snickered. After just a few seconds he started freaking out. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” The girls were cracking up. “What did you do to me!?!?!??” He jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. The girls laughed at how quickly he ran.
“Oh my god, he's freaking out.” Bobbie laughed, as the girls chased after him.
“What are you doing?” Grace laughed as she saw him rummaging through the freezer. Her question was answered when he pulled out a bag of ice and collapsed to the floor with it between his legs. The girls broke into another level of hilarious laughter when they saw the ice.
“Is that helping?” Bobbie laughingly asked.
“No” Nathan muttered. He was rocking back and forth. Beads of sweat had formed all over his body. The girls laughed.
“You better be careful, you might get frostbite.” Brittney warned.
“I don't think he's worried about that right now.” Grace laughed. “That was seriously hot water Nathan…it was freakin' boiling like 5 seconds before she poured it on you.”
Nathan heard this and imagined himself with no skin sensation left on his dick. The thought made him sick. He crawled over to the garbage and started vomiting.
“Ewwww” The girls cried in unison.
“You might wanna get some burn ointment or something.” Brittany suggested.
“I actually have some…” Bobbies voice trailed off as if she didn't mean to say it. Nathan's head turned.
“You have some” Nathan asked.
“Nevermind.” Bobbie denied.
“Please Bobbie, let me use it, please, this hurts so bad.” He almost started crying.
“Oh my gosh, are you crying?” Grace asked. “Don't give it to him, he's just trying to guilt trip you.”
“No! Grace please, I'm not trying to guilt trip her, look. I was just burned with boiling water, I need it!”
“Well that's too bad cause it's mine, and it was expensive.”
“Please I'll pay you back for it. Bobbie Please! This is fucking killing me!”
“It's really expensive Aloe Vera though…” Bobbie said. Grace sputtered a laugh, while Brittany smiled contentedly. Nathan was feeling woozy and overwhelmed.
“Please, let me just pay you for it.”
“K, well, maybe I could let you use it if you let us use your credit card online.”